Engineering Solutions

Welcome to ENSEN.
Our company specializes in solving complex engineering tasks in the field of bioenergy, by providing engineering design consultancy and developing designs that are ready for manufacturing.

About us

We are an engineering design company that was established in 2020. Behind company’s name “ENSEN” stands our motto Engineering Solutions for Energy Systems.

Our Services

Our team of engineers is ready to share its expertise in bio energy sector and to provide advice customised to particular needs of our clients. We are providing design services that include not only equipment overall design, but also a detailed design ready for manufacturing, as well as 3D modelling.


Discover our services

Our team of design engineers who specialise in heating engineering, work on development of such equipment as hot water boilers, multicyclones, economisers, chimneys, fuel storages, etc. used boiler houses and powerplants. Contact us and we will find the right energy solution for you.